the design looks like a real bulldozer, less toy like
Vince A*****
Unverified Purchase
8 months ago
Awesome looking design! I'm looking forward to the full release
Boris C****
Unverified Purchase
8 months ago
Dream star figures are very important figures because of their design. These figures are famous for their combinability and new generation coloring. In addition, as can be seen in the superion figures, they are figures with alt modes that are more similar to reality. The Devastator team will be of the same quality and reality.
Ferguson H****
Unverified Purchase
8 months ago
I want the single figure comparison to be made with other brands, not as a devastator. I wonder whose design is better. A full review video is needed. Dream star should release videos as soon as possible. Because at the moment, the newly produced devastator promotions are being made with video. We can recognize the figures of other brands much earlier. Dream star should show her well-designed figures with videos now.
Alvin Q****
Unverified Purchase
8 months ago
These set-pieces will certainly be much preferred if more robust and more play-jointed are produced. The use of metallic gray color seems to be cooler in these combined figures. Dream star has increased his experience in superion figures. Better figures are waiting for us.
Oscar J****
Unverified Purchase
9 months ago
I am especially interested in the devastator figures one by one. I would like to make a comparison of similar figures with the original g1 devastator. The color will be metallic dark gray. His united form will certainly be a flamboyant figure.
Jackson m*****
Unverified Purchase
9 months ago
Presumably, the colors are obvious. The gray tone will be used. It will be a modern version of Devastator. There are also devastator figures that will be produced by another company. I'm curious about the comparison.
Boris C****
Unverified Purchase
9 months ago
Devastator will produce his figures in plain metallic color, but it should be in interesting lettering and signs like superion. The red color was evident on the huge figure of the superion figure. Superion looked better. When the Devastator is combined, there should also be a more noticeable two-color application.
Boris C****
Unverified Purchase
9 months ago
I wasn't predicting the devastator figures after the Superion figures, but it was good. New designs of combination figures are coming. He may also possibly produce figures for Bruticus in the future. The dream star designs are beautiful.
Boris C****
Unverified Purchase
9 months ago
After the dream star superion figures, the devastator figures are also a combination series figures that will be visually good. Superion and devastator are big figures. And these figures take time to complete. Only current images should be uploaded quickly. There are many people who are curious about these figures.