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Weight 3.5 kg

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Unique Toys

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4.9 out of 5
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151 Reviews
  • martin s****
    Unverified Purchase
    7 months ago
    The figures of mohawk, drift, optimus and megatron from tlk characters are the most popular figures. The unique toys tlk figure is still the best with its size. It is necessary to follow a brand where there are such good figures. In addition, tlk megatron is more spectacular because its color is brighter. There may not be any other place you can find it. I advise.
  • Gregor A***
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Although the stinger figure is expected at the moment, the figures they have previously produced have a great effect on the collections. Lockdown, galvatron, dotm megatron (in vehicle mode)... A quality brand that really obliges itself.
  • Alvin Q****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    With the stinger figure, the unique toys figures became even more important. Even a unique toys collection can be made only. Because they are in the appropriate scale in themselves. Masterpiece figures.
  • Ferguson H****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Videos of the unpainted version of Unique toys' stinger figure have been released. The figure is really very good. As always, unique toys reveals its new designs. There are excellent movie figures. I advise.
  • Konstantinos B*****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Nice figure.
  • Hektor J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    I saw pictures of movie characters' figures on facebook today. Someone took the dino figure. But this figure was not a unique toys dino figure. Alien attack was Dino's oversized figure made by another company. My eyes sought ut dino because he is a professional figure ut dino. Much better. He has no rival. Unique toys is progressing unrivaled in all its figures so far. I advise.
  • Hektor J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    There are a lot of people waiting for the unique toys' stinger figure. Twins are also important, of course. All the figures from Unique toys are very good. I want all the colors of the dotm megatron figure to come back again. I also want tlk optimus to be developed. Beautiful figures.
  • Hektor J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    Unique Toys tlk made the size of megatron exactly in its decision. He should also make a damaged mode version of this figure.
  • Hektor J****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    In the colorful pictures of skids and mudflap figures, mudflap is beautiful. The color is OK. In terms of design, unique toys has again preferred to do intuitive design. Because transformations in designs are predictable with ease. For this reason, these figures are very good figures. All his figures are collectibles. I recommend it when there is an opportunity.
  • Alvin Q****
    Unverified Purchase
    8 months ago
    They are trying to make other figures using the designs of dotm megatron and tlk megatron figures from Unique Toys figures. Even lockdown and galvatron have been copied. But unique toys still produces the best. I recommend these figures.




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